
2015年01月30日 14:49








By Lo Tien-bin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerA Ministry of National Defense official yesterday said that Chinese officials might send its sole aircraft carrier to cruise the Taiwan Strait during President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) nine-day overseas state visit to Central America, scheduled to begin on Saturday.The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy carrier group — comprised of the ex-Soviet carrier Liaoning and its five escorts — is conducting maritime exercises in South China Sea, but it could engage in a show-of-force operation along the Taiwan Strait’s median line on its return voyage to China, an official said on condition of anonymity.The Chinese aircraft carrier group sailed through waters east of Taiwan late last month, following several training missions conducted by the Chinese military that circled Taiwanese airspace over the past few months, causing regional tensions to flare.If the Liaoning were to cruise along the median line it would be the first time it had done so with aircraft onboard, the official said, adding that its current complement of aircraft include at least 10 Shenyang J-15 fighter aircraft and an unknown number of Z-10 attack helicopters.“Any exercise the Chinese carrier conducts involving J-15 flight operations will put aircraft at close proximity with our air interception zone and pose a significant threat to Taiwanese air defenses,” the official said.In addition to the Chinese carrier, the group is suited for military intimidation because three out of its five escort warships are equipped with active phased array radars, which are significantly more advanced than the radars of other Chinese navy ships, the official said.Despite resembling a US navy carrier strike group, the Chinese carrier group does not possess the former’s combat power, as its carrier and aircraft are not rated for nighttime flight operations, which is disadvantageous for the overall effectiveness of the carrier group, the official said.The military is closely monitoring the movement of the Chinese carrier group and if it approaches the Taiwan Strait, the armed forces are to begin patrolling appropriate sea and air zones with maritime patrol aircraft, fighters and warships, and put ground-based missile batteries on alert, the official said.Later yesterday, the Ministry of National Defense issued a statement saying it would not comment on speculation about the time or route of the Liaoning’s return to China, adding that the military is monitoring the carrier and prepared to respond年夜飯餐廳2017台北 appropriately to Chinese actions.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES台北年菜外帶

(中央社記者呂欣憓台北4日電)總統蔡英文今天表示,「亞洲?矽谷計畫」並非複製美國的矽谷,台灣與美國矽谷有許多不同的條件與限制,要妥善利用優勢,與美國矽谷的新創產業互相合作,才是這個計畫的目標。 民進黨今天下午舉行中常會,會中邀請國發會副主委龔明鑫以「亞州?矽谷」為題進行專案報告,民進黨發言人阮昭雄會後轉述蔡總統聽取專案報告後裁示。 蔡總統說,「亞洲.矽谷計畫」是「5加2」產業創新計畫的旗艦計畫,「亞洲.矽谷計畫執行中心」在去年12月25日正式揭牌,要在過去硬年菜餐廳體的優勢上,結合創新的軟實力,產業人才與政府團隊攜手合作,以創新帶動升級,讓台灣產業結構成功轉型;政府有信心,透過這個計畫,打造台灣成為亞太創新產業的樞紐。 她表示,「亞洲?矽谷計畫」是面對在地基礎,以開放的態度接軌國際,藉由推動智慧應用與物聯網,建構一個以研發為本的創新網絡。 蔡總統說,過去台灣的製造業、機械及半導體產業,在硬體上都有很強的研發能量;未來,政府要創造友善人才的媒合場域,也要鬆綁相關法規限制,同時完善資金的協助,並且整合各方的資源,塑造一個具有高度創新能力的生態系。 她表示,知道各界都對「亞洲?矽谷計畫」滿懷高度期待,一些業界朋友也有不同的意見與指教,她要強調,這個計畫並非複製矽谷,台灣與矽谷有許多不同的條件與限制,要妥善利用優勢,與矽谷的新創產業互相合作,才是這個計畫的目標。 蔡總統說,行政院及國發會的努力有目共睹,她要拜託大家持續協調與溝通,後續還有很多工作要做,政府與民間要一起攜手努力,讓台灣產業由IT(資訊科技)往IoT(物聯網)順利轉型,成功站在第四次工業革命的浪潮之上。 此外,中常委陳明文提到,政府提出5加2相關措施,是否有更積極短期刺激經濟方案出爐?蔡總統要求經濟相關部會原有計畫仍要繼續加強執行和加速完成。1060104

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